Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Jacquie Here.

Something I have been wanting to do for quite some time is to write a blog post in Spanish. So if you don't mind, I am going to do that right now. I'll tell you today's gratitute message in Spanish. I hope you don't find this weird.. Haha.

I know all you Spanish-Speaking RM's will love this. ;) Here goes. ** Translation at the bottom.**

Ya sabemos que el mes de noviembre es el mes para pensar en nuestros bendiciones.. Hoy, estaba caminando por el centro estudiantil en campus cuando vi una pared cubierta con servilletas. En cada servilleta, varios estudiantes habían escrito algo por lo que eran agradecidos y las pusieron en la pared. Algunas dijeron (en inglés), "Estoy agradecido por mi familia", o "Estoy agradecido por mi país".. cosas así. Algunos fueron escritos en otra idioma, como árabe o francés. Y pues eso me hizo pensar en otras cosas por lo que estoy agradecida mientras caminaba a mi próxima clase. Y me di cuenta de algo - ¡Que suerte tengo de poder comunicarme en otra lengua!

Hoy, estoy muy agradecida por poder hablar, conocer, y comprender el español. Esta capacidad o habilidad ha sido una gran bendición en mi vida en más de un sentido. Porque conozco el español, he conocido a nuevos amigos, he obtenido buenos trabajos, he ayudado a mucha gente cuando no se pueden comunicar, he tenido mucho éxito en mis estudios. Y también lo uso para diversión a veces con mi papa o con otros amigos que hablan español... ¡Y la cosa maravillosa es que sigo aprendiendo más y más todos los días! Que bendición es el espanol en mi vida. Nunca pasa un día en que no utilizo el español en alguna manera u otra. Y yo sé que no hablo perfectamente. Yo sé que hago muchos errores a veces. Pero esto no me impide. ¡Me encanta el español! Me hace muy feliz. Y me imagino que siempre será una gran bendición para mi. :)

Cuéntame - ¿Qué bendiciones tienes en tu vida hoy?

Jacquie. :)

"We know that the month of November is the month to think about our blessings.. Today I was walking in the Student Union on campus when I saw a wall covered with napkins. On each napkin, several students had written something that they were grateful for and had stuck the napkin on the wall. Some of them said (in English), "I am grateful for my family", or "I am grateful for my country".. Things like that. Some of them had been written in other languages, like Arabic or French. And then that got me thinking about other things I am thankful for while I walked to my next class. And I realized something - How lucky I am to be able to communicate in another language!

Today, I grateful to be able to speak, know, and understand Spanish. This ablility has been such a great blessing in my life in more ways than one. Because I know Spanish, I have made new friends, I have gotten good jobs, I have helped several people when they have a hard time communicating with others, I have had a lot of success in my studies. I also use it sometimes just for fun with my dad or with my other friends who speak Spanish. And the awesome thing is that I continue to learn more and more everyday! What a blessing it is to have Spanish in my life. Not a day goes by that I don't use it in one way or another. I know I don't speak it perfectly. I know that I mess up a lot sometimes. But that doesn't stop me. I love Spanish! It makes me so happy. And I know that it will always be a big blessing for me. :)

Tell me - What are some blessings in your life today?"


  1. Not only was I unaware of your espanish abilities, but I didn't know you had a blog, either.

    I am also thankful that you speak another language.

  2. Haha, thanks Colton! Glad you stumbled upon my blog :)

  3. Buen Hecho Hermanita mia! Tienes mucha talenta, y su habilidad de usar el espanol sera una bendicion para siempre. Espero que podemos estar juntos para la dia de gracias. Megusta mucho su Blogita y las temas que escojes, y tambien megusta la musica. Tengo muchas ganas de leer su proxima entrada. Tanto te amo!

  4. i am absolutely in love with spanish too! i will always want to take a spanish class in school cause i just love learning the language and the culture. i have noticed i am drawn to RM's that speak spanish haha i just love it. and yes i can speak pretty okay but i tried typing all of this in spanish and decided if i didnt want to sound like an 8 year old speaking spanish i would jsut write in english to express myself better! lol someday we will be able to converse in spanish tho i promise :)

  5. Chloe! Good for you. Keep at it. It is something you constantly need to be practicing. Use it or lose it! I'm so glad that you share in this love for the language and the culture. It makes me SO happy :) :) :) And yeah, Spanish-speaking RM's are pretty much the awesomest. I am looking forward to the day when we can tell secrets in Spanish to each other so other people can't understand!!

  6. Haha that will be fun! I can't wait either :)
